Monday, September 28, 2009

The Heiser Babies

I have the best brothers and sisters in the world. I love them so much! They are not only hysterically funny, and always keep me on my toes, but they are always an encouragement to me in my walk with Christ. So many times when I have been talking to them, they have asked me what God has been teaching me or what I have been reading in my Bible. Not only that, but their walks with Christ always challenge me to keep pursuing a deeper relationship myself. Jeff has this incredible ability to understand and dig into the Word, Matt has this deep passion and excitement about the things of God, and Susie is so faithful about reading her Bible and doing daily devotions.

As the oldest, I couldn't be more proud of my brothers and sister. I know that God is going to bless them in anything that they do, and I hope that they will always know that I support them and want to be a part of their lives. I hope that God will help me live my life in a way that is encouraging to them and that they can learn from me just as I am learning from them. I hope that they can be proud that I am their sister just as I am proud that they are my siblings. I hope they know how much I love them and how glad I am that we have the close relationships that we have.

So, if you guys happen to read this...I love you all so very much! Keep seeking God and let me know if you ever need anything.

1 comment:

  1. This is the coolest thing ever!!!! It is impossible for Mom and I to communicate how much this means to us to hear. Our love for you, our kids, is beyond description. Walk close.
